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Australian Made Stables & Shelters using 50mm x 50mm x 2mm Australian Duragal Steel Frames with 17mm Australian Certified Form Ply with 4mm galvanized mesh squares.
Pricing is based on a per panel basis / Total pricing is based on how many panels you use to configure your Stables & Shelters (Single shelters & stables - 4 Panels / Doubles - 7 / Triple box set-ups - 10 / Each additional box added is 3 panels) Plus roofing required (Optional if an internal fit-out)
Panel sizes are 3750mm width x 2350mm height / 4m Flat Roof Option / 4.6m Raised Roof Option / Gable Roof Options & Breezeways.
Full Gate Panel - $1200
Front Gate Panel (Single half door) - $1100
Front Split Gate Panel - $1400
Half Mesh Panel (Upper 1/2 Mesh / Bottom 1/2 17mm Form Ply) - $1000
Open Top Panel (Upper 1/2 Open / Bottom 1/2 17mm Form Ply) - $1000
Full Form Ply Panel - $1250
2 Rail Panel with tie-up hooks - $800
Open Frame Panel (This panel is used to create an open front/rear entry or an open bay divider) - $400
Standard Flat 4m Roof Option (This roofing option sits directly on the top of the panel at 2350mm height x 4m length) - $800
Raised Roof Option (This roofing option is 2.8m at its highest point / 2.6m at its lowest point x 4.6m length) - $1000
Breezeway barn roofing & gable roof options are built & quoted to individual requirements.
Panel Images below are for visual reference only.
Half Mesh Panel (Bottom 17mm Form Ply) 3750mm x 2350mm - $1000
Open Frame Panel 3750mm x 2350mm - $500
Front Split Gate Panel 3750mm x 2350mm height - Split Gate $1400 / Single Gate (Bottom only / No upper split gate) - $1100
Tie up Front Panel with 2rail Centre divider / 3750mm x 2350mm height - $1000
Tie-up front divider with tie-up hooks 3750mm length x 900mm height - $500
Full Form Ply Panel - 3750mm x 2350mm - $1250
Open Top Panel (Bottom 17mm Form Ply) - $1000
2Rail Panel with Tie-Up hooks 3750mm x 2350mm height - $800
Full Gate Panel - 3750mm x 2350mm height - $1200
Double Gate Panel - 3750mm x 2350mm height - $1300